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SFA Chapter XVHistory

From National Beginnings to Local Legacy: The Story of The Alamo Chapter

SFA History: A Foundation of Valor


The Special Forces Association traces its roots back to a momentous gathering in 1964, when visionaries like COL (Ret) Sully de Fontaine and his team conceived an organization that would embody the ethos of the Special Forces community. Born from the camaraderie and unparalleled dedication of these soldiers, the Association quickly became a bastion for those who had served with distinction in various capacities, from the OSS to the 8240th Army Unit, and beyond. It was an idea sparked by the realization that the unique bond formed in service and the collective experiences of valor, sacrifice, and perseverance deserved a dedicated platform for recognition and remembrance.

Birth of The Alamo Chapter


Inspired by the national Association's commitment to honor, Chapter XV of the Special Forces Association, known as "The Alamo Chapter," was established to carry forward this legacy at a local level. Nestled in the heart of Texas, the chapter chose its name not just for geographical relevance but for its profound symbolic resonance. The Alamo, a historical beacon of resilience and bravery, mirrors the indomitable spirit of the Green Berets. This connection is further deepened by the chapter's dedication to MSG Gabriel Alamo, a Green Beret whose heroism in Vietnam epitomizes the values we strive to uphold.

MSG Alamo's story, marked by valor in the face of adversity, from the battlefields of World War II and Korea to the pivotal engagement at Nam Dong, Vietnam, serves as a guiding light for our chapter. The accolades awarded to him and his team, including the Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, and multiple Bronze Stars, are testaments to the courage, unity, and sacrifice that define the essence of the Special Forces.

Our Mission and Vision


In embracing our name, "The Alamo Chapter" commits to preserving the memory of MSG Gabriel Alamo and all who have served with such extraordinary bravery. We stand as a community united by a shared history and a steadfast dedication to the principles of freedom and excellence in service. Through our activities, outreach, and camaraderie, we honor the legacy of those who came before us, ensuring their stories of heroism and resilience continue to inspire future generations.

As we reflect on our origins, both as part of the national Special Forces Association and as The Alamo Chapter, we remain dedicated to fostering a space where the valorous deeds of the past meet the unwavering spirit of the present. Together, we carry forward the torch of honor, commitment, and brotherhood.

About Us

Our Mission

To uphold and foster the spirit of the Special Forces community, the Alamo Chapter is dedicated to preserving the traditions, supporting our members, and strengthening the bonds of brotherhood.

Our Core Values

The Alamo Chapter is more than a veteran service organization; it's a testament to the enduring spirit of the US Army Special Forces. Our mission is guided by the following pillars:

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